  title     = "Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach",
  author    = "Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak",
  address   = "Cambridge, UK",
  publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
  year      = "2009",
  title     = "Computability Theory",
  author    = "S. Barry Cooper",
  address   = "Boca Raton, FL",
  publisher = "CRC Press",
  year      = "2004",
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  author    = "Thomas Cover and Joy Thomas",
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  title     = "LaTeX: A Document Preparation System",
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  title     = "Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms",
  author    = "David J. C. Mackay",
  address   = "Cambridge, UK",
  origyear  = "2003",
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  title     = "Computability and Randomness",
  author    = "André Nies",
  address   = "New York",
  origyear  = "2009",
  publisher = "Oxford University Press",
  year      = "2012"
  title     = "The Annotated Turing",
  author    = "Charles Petzold",
  address   = "Indianapolis",
  publisher = "Wiley Publishing",
  year      = "2008",
  title     = "Artificial Intelligence -- A Modern Approach",
  author    = "Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig",
  address   = "New Jersey",
  edition   = "2",
  origyear  = "1995",
  publisher = "Pearson Education",
  year      = "2003"
  title     = "Introduction To The Theory of Computation",
  author    = "Michael Sipser",
  address   = "Boston, MA, U.S.",
  edition   = "3",
  publisher = "Cengage Learning",
  year      = "2021",