@book{Chang:KickingATL, title = "Kicking Away the Ladder", author = "Ha-Joon Chang", address = "London", publisher = "Anthem Press", year = "2003", } @book{Collins:Greenham:Werner:Jackson:WDMCF, title = "Where Does Money Come From?", author = "Josh Ryan-Collins and Tony Greenham and Richard Werner and Andrew Jackson", address = "London", edition = "2", publisher = "New Economics Foundation", year = "2012", } @book{Friedman:CAF, title = "Capitalism And Freedom", author = "Milton Friedman", address = "London", note = "First appeared in 1962", publisher = "Anthem Press", year = "2020", } @book{GalbraithJK:TGC29, title = "The Great Crash 1929", author = "John Kenneth Galbraith", address = "London", note = "First appeared in 1954", publisher = "Penguin Classics", year = "2021", } @book{Goodwin:Economix, title = "Economix: how and why our economy works (and doesn't work) in words and pictures", author = "Michael Goodwin", address = "New York", publisher = "Abrahams ComicArts", year = "2012", } @book{Graeber:BSJobs, title = "Bullshit Jobs: A Theory", author = "David Graeber", publisher = "Penguin Random House", year = "2019", } @book{Graeber:Debt, title = "Debt: The First 5000 Years", author = "David Graeber", address = "Brooklyn and London", note = "First appeared in 2011", publisher = "Melville", year = "2014", } @book{Graeber:UtopiaOfRules, title = "The Utopia of Rules", author = "David Graeber", address = "Brooklyn and London", publisher = "Melville", year = "2016", } @book{Hayek:Serfdom, title = "The Road To Serfdom", author = "F. A. Hayek", note = "First appeared in 1944", publisher = "Routledge", year = "2001", } @book{Hickel:Divide, title = "The Divide - A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions", author = "Jason Hickel", address = "London", edition = "1", publisher = "Penguin Random House", year = "2020", } @book{Kahneman:FastSlow, title = "Thinking, Fast And Slow", author = "Daniel Kahneman", address = "New York", publisher = "Farrar, Straus and Giroux", isbn = "978-0-374-27563-1", year = "2011", } @book{Kallis:Limits, title = "Limits - Why Malthus Was Wrong and Why Environmentalists Should Care", author = "Giorgos Kallis", address = "Standford, California", publisher = "Standford University Press", year = "2019", } @book{Keynes:GeneralTheory, title = "The General Theory Of Employment, Interest And Money", author = "John Maynard Keynes", address = "Hertfordshire", note = "First appeared in 1936", publisher = "Wordsworth", year = "2017", } @book{Keynes:TECOTP, title = "The Economic Consequences Of The Peace", author = "John Maynard Keynes", address = "Hertfordshire", note = "First appeared in 1919", publisher = "Wordsworth", year = "2017", } @book{Keynes:TECotP, title = "The Economic Consequences of the Peace", author = "John Maynard Keynes", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04759-7", isbn = "978-3-030-04759-7", note = "First appeared in 1919.", publisher = "Palgrave Macmillan", year = "2019", } @book{Kelton:TDM, title = "The Deficit Myth", author = "Stephanie Kelton", address = "London", isbn = "978-1-529-35256-6", publisher = "John Murray", year = "2021", } @book{Levitt:Dubner:Freak, title = "Freakonomics - O Estranho Mundo da Economia", author = "Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner", address = "Lisboa", publisher = "Editorial Presença", year = "2006", } @book{Locke:SToG, title = "Second Treatise of Government", author = "John Locke", address = "Oxford", note = "First appeared in 1689", publisher = "Oxford University Press", year = "2016", } @book{Mitchell:MacroEcon, title = "Macroeconomics", author = "William Mitchell and L.\ Randall Wray and Martin Watts", address = "Dublin", publisher = "Bloomsbury Academic", year = "2022" } @book{Mattei:CapitalOrder, title = "The Capital Order", author = "Clara E. Mattei", address = "Chicago and London", isbn = "978-0-226-81839-9", publisher = "Chicago University Press", year = "2022", } @book{MazzucatoM:TES, title = "The Entreprenurial State", author = "Mariana Mazzucato", note = "First appeared in 2013", publisher = "Penguin Books", year = "2023", } @book{Mitchell:Fazi:Reclaiming, title = "Reclaiming the State", author = "William Mitchell and Thomas Fazi", address = "London", publisher = "Pluto Press", year = "2017", } @book{Patnaik:U:P:CaI, title = "Capital and Imperialism", author = "Utsa Patnaik and Prabhat Patnaik", address = "New York", publisher = "Monthly Review Press", year = "2021", } @book{Polanyi:FromTheGT, title = "From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization", author = "Kari Polanyi Levitt", address = "London, New York, and Dublin", publisher = "Zed Press", year = "2013", } @book{Polanyi:GT, title = "The Great Transformation", author = "Karl Polanyi", address = "Boston, MA", note = "First appeared in 1944", publisher = "Beacon Press", year = "2001", } @book{Rifkin:ZeroMC, title = "The Zero Marginal Cost Society", author = "Jeremy Rifkin", address = "New York", publisher = "St. Martin's Press", year = "2014", } @book{Rushkoff:LifeInc, title = "Life Inc.", author = "Douglas Rushkoff", publisher = "Random House", year = "2009", } @book{Rushkoff:Rocks, title = "Throwing Rocks At The Google Bus", author = "Douglas Rushkoff", publisher = "Random House", year = "2016", } @book{Skidelsky:MG, title = "Money and Government: A Challenge to Mainstream Economics", author = "Robert Skidelsky", address = "New York", publisher = "Penguin Random House", year = "2018", } @book{Smith:WoNv1, title = "An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations", author = "Adam Smith", address = "Carmel, Indiana", note = "First appeared in 1776", publisher = "Liberty Fund", volume = "1", year = "1981", } @book{Smith:WoNv2, title = "An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations", author = "Adam Smith", address = "Carmel, Indiana", note = "First appeared in 1776", publisher = "Liberty Fund", volume = "2", year = "1981", } @book{Varoufakis:AndTheWeak, title = "And the Weak Suffer What They Must?", author = "Yanis Varoufakis", address = "London", publisher = "Bodley Head", year = "2016", } @book{VeblenT:LeisureClass, title = "The Theory Of The Leisure Class", author = "Thorstein Veblen", note = "First appeared in 1899", publisher = "Oxford World's Classics", year = "2009", } @book{Zuboff:SurveillanceCapitalism, title = "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism", author = "Shoshana Zuboff", address = "London", publisher = "Profile", year = "2019", }