@book{Andrews:NumberTheory, title = "Number Theory", author = "George E. Andrews", address = "New York", note = "First appeared in 1971", publisher = "Dover Publications", year = "1994", } @book{Awodey:CT, title = "Category Theory", author = "Steve Awodey", address = "Oxford and New York", publisher = "Oxford University Press", year = "2010", } @book{Clark:AbstractAlgebra, title = "Elements of Abstract Algebra", author = "Allan Clark", address = "New York", note = "First appeared in 1971", publisher = "Dover Publications", year = "1984", } @book{Cohen:SetTheoryCH, title = "Set theory and continuum hypothesis", author = "Paul J. Cohen", address = "New York", note = "First appeared in 1966", publisher = "Dover Publications", year = "2008", } @book{CoxLittleOShea:IVA, title = "Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms", author = "David A. Cox and John Little and Donal O'Shea", edition = "4", publisher = "Springer International Publishing", year = "2015", } @book{Euclid:Elements, title = "Euclid's Elements", author = "Euclid", address = "Santa Fe, New Mexico", publisher = "Green Lion Press", year = "2010", } @book{Gallian:ContemporaryAA, title = "Contemporary Abstract Algebra", author = "Joseph A. Gallian", address = "Boston, MA, USA", edition = "Ninth", publisher = "Cengage", year = "2018", } @book{Hefferon:2017, title = "Linear Algebra", author = "Hefferon, Jim", address = "UK", edition = "Third", publisher = "Lightning Source", year = "2017", } @book{Huffman:Pless:2010, title = "Fundaments of Error-Correcting Codes", author = "W. Cary Huffman and Vera Pless", address = "New York", note = "First appeared in 2003", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = "2010", } @book{Judson:AbstractAlgebra, title = "Abstract Algebra", author = "Thomas W. Judson", address = "Ann Arbor, Michigan", publisher = "Orthogonal Publishing", year = "2018", } @book{Keisler:ElemCalculus, title = "Elementary Calculus", author = "H. Jerome Keisler", address = "New York", edition = "3rd", note = "First appeared in 1976", publisher = "Dover Publishing", year = "2016", } @incollection{Keynes:ToP, title = "A Treatise On Probality", author = "John Maynard Keynes", booktitle = "The Collected Writings Of John Maynard Keynes", isbn = "978-1-107-65806-6", note = "First appeared in 1921", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", volume = "8", year = "2013", } @book{Kleene:ITMM, title = "Introduction To Meta-Mathematics", author = "Stephen Cole Kleene", address = "New York and Tokyo", note = "First appeared in 1950", publisher = "Ishi Press", year = "2009", } @book{Lakatos:PaR, title = "Proofs and Refutations", author = "Imre Lakatos", note = "First appeared (posthumously) in 1976, edited by John Worrall and Elie Zahar", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = "2015", } @book{Mathews:Howell:ComplexAnalysis, title = "Complex analysis for mathematics and engineering", author = "John H. Mathews and Russel W. Howell", address = "Sudbury, MA", publisher = "Jones and Barlett Publishers", year = "2001", } @book{Pickover:PassionMath, title = "A Passion for Mathematics", author = "Clifford A. Pickover", address = "New Jersey", publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons", year = "2005", } @book{Rosenthal:RigorousProb, title = "A First Look At Rigorous Probality Theory", author = "Jeffrey Rosenthal", edition = "2", publisher = "World Scientific", year = "2006", } @book{Sarrico:AM, title = "Análise Matemática", author = "Carlos Sarrico", address = "Lisboa", publisher = "Gradiva", year = "1997", } @book{Shoup:2009, title = "A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra", author = "Shoup, Victor", address = "New York", edition = "eBook edition", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = "2008", } @book{StillwellJ:MaiH, title = "Mathematics And Its History", author = "John Stillwell", address = "New York", edition = "3", note = "First appeared in 1989", publisher = "Springer", year = "2010", } @book{Taboga:StatLect, title = "Lectures on Probality and Mathematical Statistics", author = "Marco Taboga", edition = "3rd", publisher = "Unknown (self-published?)", year = "2015?", } @book{Tao:Analysis:I, title = "Analysis I", author = "Terence Tao", address = "New Delhi", edition = "4", note = "First appeared in 2006", publisher = "Hindustan Book Agency", year = "2022", } @book{Tao:Analysis:II, title = "Analysis II", author = "Terence Tao", address = "New Delhi", edition = "4", note = "First appeared in 2006", publisher = "Hindustan Book Agency", year = "2022", } @book{Terras:1999, place = "Cambridge", series = "London Mathematical Society Student Texts", title = "Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups and Applications", DOI = "10.1017/CBO9780511626265", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", author = "Terras, Audrey", year = "1999", collection = "London Mathematical Society Student Texts" } @book{Tolstov:FourierSeries, title = "Fourier Series", author = "George P. Tolstov", address = "New York", note = "First appeared in 1962", publisher = "Dover Publications", year = "2017", } @book{vanDalen:LS, title = "Logic and Structure", author = "Dirk van Dalen", address = "Boca Raton, FL", edition = "5", note = "First appeared in 1980", publisher = "Springer", year = "2013", }