tex_seven.txt For Vim version 7.5     Last change: February 9, 2023


              A semi-automatic, minimalistic
                      LaTeX ftplugin
              that does not get in your way!

Author: Óscar Pereira
Email: See https://randomwalk.eu/contact
License: GPL

  TeX-7 is an ftplugin that aims to enhance the writing experience of high
  quality documents with LaTeX and Vim. The goal of TeX-7 is to be simple and
  Vimish, meaning that focus is on carefully thought-out key mappings and
  features that are already present in a typical Vim installation. If you need
  to write a thesis or research articles and insist on having only one editor
  for all editing tasks, then TeX-7 is for you!

  The main features of TeX-7 are:
    * Powerful text-object for LaTeX environments;
    * Omni-completion of BibTeX database entries and label references;
    * Omni-completion of mathematical symbols, and included files;
    * Preview of BibTeX database entries and label references;
    * Preview of \includegraphics (supported formats: JPG, PNG, or PDF);
    * Filetype specific indentation (courtesy of Johannes Tanzler);
    * No-hassle settings, relatively few mappings;
    * Supports distraction-free LaTeX "small compile", done when saving.

  Shoutouts & thanks
    * Elias Toivanen, the original author of the TeX-9 plugin.


Table of Contents                                 tex_seven-toc

  1. Installation                                 tex_seven-installation
  2. Basics                                       tex_seven-basics
    2.1 Insert Mode                               tex_seven-basics-insert_mode
    2.1 Normal Mode                               tex_seven-basics-normal_mode
    2.1 Visual Mode                               tex_seven-basics-visual_mode
  3. Compilation and Multi-file                   tex_seven-compile-mfile
    3.1 Compilation                               tex_seven-compile
    3.2 Multi-file Projects                       tex_seven-mfile
  4. Jumping                                      tex_seven-jumping
    4.1 Citations                                 tex_seven-jumping-citations
    4.2 Labels and References                     tex_seven-jumping-label_refs
    4.3 Includes                                  tex_seven-jumping-includes
    4.4 Graphics                                  tex_seven-jumping-graphics
  5. Completion                                   tex_seven-completion
    5.1 Omni-Completion                           tex_seven-completion-omni
    5.2 Math-Completion                           tex_seven-completion-math
  6. Mappings                                     tex_seven-mappings
    6.1 Insert Mode                               tex_seven-mappings-insert_mode
    6.2 Normal Mode                               tex_seven-mappings-normal_mode
    6.2 Visual Mode                               tex_seven-mappings-visual_mode
  7. Tips and tricks                              tex_seven-tips
    7.1 Override, extend and hack TeX-7           tex_seven-tips-hack_extend
    7.2 Custom environment list/templates         tex_seven-tips-custom_envs
    7.3 Spell checking                            tex_seven-tips-spell_check
    7.4 Pedantic Styling                          tex_seven-tips-pedantic_styling


1.  Installation                                  tex_seven-installation

  To install TeX-7, I will assume you are a good citizen, and use something
  like Tim Pope's Pathogen plugin, or something to that effect. In the
  case of Pathogen, just clone this plugin into the bundle directory,
  usually ~/.vim/bundle, and run :Helptags afterwords.

  Next, open up vimrc and ensure it contains the following line:
  filetype plugin indent on

  Strictly speaking, for basic usage you don't need to configure anything
  else. However, you may find the following settings very useful in making
  TeX-7 more convenient to use.

  compiler_cmd : Array of Strings
      * Command used to compile LaTeX sources (see example below).
      * Default: empty.

  compiler_cmd_double : Array of Strings
      * Command to do two compilations.
      * Default: empty (but see tex_seven-compile).

  disable: Boolean
      * TeX-7 is disabled temporarily.
      * Default: 0 (TeX-7 is loaded).

  diamond_tex: Boolean
      * TeX-9 originally mapped <LocalLeader>< to \leq, and <LocalLeader>>
        to \geq. However, I find these LaTeX commands actually easy to type,
        to I prefer to map <LocalLeader>< to \langle\rangle, and
        <LocalLeader>> to <> (sometimes called diamond). Among other things,
        the latter is useful when writing Beamer templates.
      * Default: 1 (map <LocalLeader>> to <> and <LocalLeader>< to * \(lr)angle).

  label_retrieval_use_script: Boolean
      *   Set whether \label retrieval will be done using vimscript only, or
          using an external Perl script (see below for requirements).
      *   Default: 0 (retrieves \label's using vimscript only).

  leader: String
      *   Most TeX-7 mappings begin with this prefix.
      *   Optional.
      *   Default: ','.

  viewer: String
      *   Application used for viewing PDF files.
      *   Optional.
      *   Default: empty.

  viewer_images: String
      *   Application used for viewing JPG/PNG files.
      *   Optional.
      *   Default: empty.

  You set these, er, settings, by defining a Dictionary called
  g:tex_seven_config in your vimrc (or better yet, in
  $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/tex.vim). In this latter file, you can add any settings
  that are not overrides of things defined by TeX-7. (For such overrides, use
  the after/ directory; cf. tex_seven-tips.)


  let g:tex_seven_config = {
    \ 'compiler_cmd'               : [ "/bin/bash", "CompileTeX.sh" ],
    \ 'label_retrieval_use_script' : 1,
    \ 'viewer'                     : 'okular' ,
    \ 'viewer_images'              : 'gwenview' }

  IMPORTANT #1: Do NOT set this Dictionary in
  $VIMRUNTIME/after/ftplugin/tex.vim. This file is only sourced after TeX-7
  has ran, and thus if you set, say, a custom LocalLeader, all of the
  mappings will be set using the predefined value of LocalLeader.

  IMPORTANT #2: If you put any custom settings in either
  $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/tex.vim or $VIMRUNTIME/after/ftplugin/tex.vim, then
  you are highly encouraged to ensure that neither of them are sourced more
  than once. One way is to defined a sort of "include guards", like these:

  " Put this at the start of $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/tex.vim.
  if exists('b:ftplugin_tex_init')
  let b:ftplugin_tex_init = 1

  " And this at the start of $VIMRUNTIME/after/ftplugin/tex.vim.
  if exists('b:after_ftplugin_tex_init')
  let b:after_ftplugin_tex_init = 1

  IMPORTANT #3: To use the Perl script for \label retrieval, the perl-json
  module is required (in addition to Perl itself).


2.  Basics                                        tex_seven-basics

    TeX-7 defines various mappings that speed up typesetting LaTeX code. Most
    of the mappings are prefixed with maplocalleader, referred below with
    the symbol <LocalLeader>. If you have set "g:tex_seven_config.leader", the
    corresponding character is used. Otherwise, it defaults to comma (,).

    Especially for multi-file projects, it is recommended to launch "(g)vim"
    from the same folder where the main ".tex" file is located. While most
    features should work fine even if you don't do this, it is the best
    strategy to avoid unforeseen problems with relative paths. Besides, it's
    the most natural thing to do anyway, so...

    Below is a short tutorial that should get you going in no time.

2.1 Insert mode                                   tex_seven-basics-insert_mode

    To insert an environment, press <LocalLeader>B. You're prompted for an
    environment name, then the following is inserted:


    <envname> is the supplied environment name; the cursor is left where the |
    is. The list of environments comes from file ftplugin/environments.txt.
    This can be customised; cf. tex_seven-tips-custom_envs.

    Furthermore, by default the template for an environment is the one shown
    above, but it can be customised for specific environments. This is done in
    file ftplugin/environments.snippets. See the examples in that file, but
    the syntax is simple: the word following the "snippet" keyword must be the
    name of the environment to be customised. The other lines MUST start with
    a <Tab>, and contain the snippet to be inserted for that environment. Note
    that NO EMPTY lines are allowed, for otherwise it would not be possible to
    detect where a snippet ended. This list of templates can also be
    customised; again, cf. tex_seven-tips-custom_envs.

    The template code can contain indented lines, with tabs or spaces; upon
    insertion, the :retab command is executed (only over the newly inserted
    lines). Lastly, I should point out that, even though this feature was
    developed with LaTeX environments in mind, there is nothing preventing its
    use for other constructs the user might use frequently.

    To insert a command, press "<LocalLeader><Space>" (sans quotes).
    "\cmd{arg}" is inserted (sans quotes), with the "cmd" part visually
    selected (select-mode, not visual-mode). So just type the command name.
    Then just hit <Tab>, to move to the "arg" part, which will be left
    visually selected (idem.), for you to type over. After that, hitting <Tab>
    once more will move the cursor to the right of the now finished command
    (i.e., after the '}'), so you can continue to type your LaTeX document.

    Nested commands will also work, but in this scenario, the cursor will be
    left after the innermost '}'. For example, if you use this feature to
    insert "\footnote{\url{https://example.com}}", the cursor will be left
    after the '}' that closes the "\url" command.

    Note that both the mappings that set the <Tab> key behaviour described
    above, as well as the mappings for <Esc> and <C-c> described below, are
    local (i.e., for the current buffer only). And after finishing typing the
    command (i.e., after pressing <Tab> for the second time), they are either
    unset, or restored to their previous values.

    If you want to interrupt the command insertion for whatever reason, then
    pressing <Esc> or hitting <C-c>, will clear all local maps of the <Tab>
    key, restoring any previous mappings, if any (e.g. a mapping from a
    snippets plugin).

    The local mapping of the <Esc> key itself, that allows pressing it to
    unamp the <Tab> key, is itself cleared when pressing <Esc>. The same goes
    for <C-c>. So long story short, this works as you would expect, without

    And if for either the "cmd" part, or the "arg" part, you want to paste
    some text you have previously yanked/cut/etc, you can do that, by pressing
    <C-o>, which will take you to visual mode, where you can then hit p or P.
    Then you will be left in insert mode -- just if you had typed the text
    that you actually pasted -- from where you can just hit <Tab>, to continue

    Moving on, type <LocalLeader>C to insert a citation, i.e.
    "\cite{citekey}". You're prompted with a popup list of completions if the
    \bibliography{} (or \addbibresources{}) statement contains a valid BibTeX
    file. Inserting references, "\ref{ref}", works in a similar way. The
    corresponding mapping is <LocalLeader>R. Here are a few other mappings
    that work similarly:

        * <LocalLeader>A inserts "\includeonly{}" and starts completion inside
          the brackets.
        * <LocalLeader>E inserts "\eqref{}" and starts completion inside the
        * <LocalLeader>Z inserts "\includegraphics{}" and starts completion
          inside the brackets. Supported graphic types: JPG, PDF, PNG.

    You can also some write, in the completion space, some string (say "foo"),
    and hit <LocalLeader>K. This will filter the original list of completions,
    to show you only those that contain the string "foo". See
    tex_seven-completion for more details.

    Before moving on, let's go back to <LocalLeader>C for a moment, It often
    happens that, when inserting a reference, you also want to indicate a
    specific location within it (e.g., a page number). This is done with an
    optional argument to the \cite command, e.g., \cite[p.\ 1]{foo}. But
    hitting <LocalLeader>C will leave you with \cite{foo|} (the | is the
    cursor). Not to worry: hit <LocalLeader>? (in insert or normal mode, no
    matter), and you will be left in insert mode, with the cursor at the
    proper place to insert a specific location: \cite[|]{foo}.

    Moving on, there are also some macros that work by double tapping a
    character on your keyboard (super convenient for subscripts and

        ^^ -> ^{}
        __ -> _{}
        ~~ -> \approx
        == -> &=

    Furthermore, pressing <LocalLeader>" inserts "LaTeX quotes", i.e.,
    ``''. Also works for single quotes. And by defaut, hitting
    <LocalLeader> twice (i.e. <Localleader><Localleader>) inserts that
    character itself. E.g., if <LocalLeader> is set to comma (,) (the
    default without user config defined), then <Localleader><Localleader>
    inserts a literal comma in the text.

    There are plenty of other insert mode mappings; the ones described here
    are just the ones that required some explanation. See

2.2 Normal mode                                   tex_seven-basics-normal_mode

    Typing <LocalLeader>V should open the document in the PDF viewer
    configured in "g:tex_seven_config" (see above). If you didn't set
    "g:tex_seven_config.viewer", an error message is shown.

    If you are using multi-file projects (see
    tex_seven-compile-mfile), then hitting <LocalLeader>gm will bring
    you back to the main .tex file (mnemonic: "go to main file").

    To rename an enclosing environment, press <LocalLeader>R. You're prompted
    for a new environment name, and that gets replaced both in the \begin and
    \end lines of that enclosing environment. This works if the cursor is
    placed anywhere on the \begin line, anywhere on the \end line, or anywhere
    inside the environment (but not inside an inner nested environment, for
    in that case it is that inner environment's name that gets replaced). It
    also works when either the \begin or the \end statements are not at the
    start of their respective lines.

    To go from from a "\label{" or "\cite{" to its corresponding definition,
    place the cursor over them and hit either [gp] or [gd]: the first will
    open the corresponding "\ref{" or bib entry in a preview window (mnemonic:
    go preview), and the second in a new buffer (using :edit; mnemonic: go to
    definition). Note that in the case of a preview window, the cursor WILL
    MOVE to that window. To close it, hit :q, as usual.

    This functionality also works for things other than \label's and \cite's;
    see tex_seven-jumping.

    Typing <LocalLeader>B should move the cursor to the first line opening an
    environment ("\begin{"), that is above the current line (the line where
    the cursor is). Similarly, typing <LocalLeader>E should move the cursor to
    the first line ending an environment ("\end{"), that is below the current
    line. Both are super useful when used in combination with the mappings to
    select/yank/move/etc. entire environments, as described next.
    Especially in the case of nested environments, when the cursor is
    positioned at the innermost environment, but you want to select,
    say, the outermost.

2.3 Visual mode                                   tex_seven-basics-visual_mode

    TeX-7 comes with a custom `environment operator' (see |text-objects|).
    Press 'vie' or 'vae' in normal normal to highlight the current inner
    environment (without the \begin and \end statements) or the outer
    environment respectively. Replace 'v' with another operator to achieve
    yanking, changing or deleting etc. For example, typing 'dae' makes it
    trivial to move figures and tables around in the document. Delete the
    environment, find a new location and paste it back on the buffer!

    Additionally, there are similar operators for inline math, i.e., math
    delimited by dollar signs ($). For example, if you have $x = 1$, then
    pressing 'vam' with the cursor anywhere in that inline math expression,
    will visually select all of it, including the delimiters. Hitting 'vim'
    does the same, but excludes the delimiters. And on for 'dam', 'dim', etc.

    And finally, given the ubiquity of curly (and even square) braces in
    LaTeX, there are operators these as well: 'ii'/'aa' for inner/outer curly
    braces, and 'is'/'as' for inner/outer square braces. So for example, 'vii'
    selects the content inside curly braces, while 'vas' selects the content
    inside square brackets, as well as the brackets themselves.


3.  Compilation and Multi-file                    tex_seven-compile-mfile

3.1 Compilation                                   tex_seven-compile

    The last feature in the feature list at the beginning talks of a "small
    compile", meaning a one-time run of the LaTeX compilation program or
    script. Other compilation cycles, like a "full build" that also constructs
    the bibliography, are outside of the scope of the this plugin. This is
    because compilation of LaTeX files is very tricky to get right in all
    circumstances, and after all, Vim is not an IDE.

    Now, as any LaTeX user knows (and as novice users quickly find out),
    LaTeX's error messages can be notoriously hard to interpret correctly...
    and this might be putting it mildly! So what one usually does is save and
    build often, so that if any errors do occur, then the user likely can
    pinpoint the change that caused it. To aid in this task, this plugin
    defines a normal mode mapping :ww, that saves the current file, and does
    a small compile of the LaTeX project. So instead of writing (`:w`), the
    user can instead do a write-and-build, relatively seamlessly (`:ww`). This
    build is done in background, and if it succeeds, nothing more is said to
    the user, that can just continue to work. He is only notified if errors
    occur, so that he can go fix them, before writing any more.

    Moreover, it also happens with some frequency that two compile runs are
    required for some change to take effect (e.g. updates to the table of
    contents, \ref'rencing new \label's, etc.). For this, the plugin provides
    the normal mode mapping :w2. The command actually used is the one
    supplied by the compiler_cmd_double config option. If no such command is
    supplied, then the one in compiler_cmd is used twice.

3.2 Multi-file Projects                           tex_seven-mfile

    In order to work with LaTeX projects containing multiple files, each file
    other than the main one (the one containing the "\documentclass" line)
    must contain a modeline indicating the relative location of the main
    .tex file. E.g., if your main file is named main.tex, and it includes a
    file with relative path chapters/introduction.tex, then this file must
    contain a modeline similar to:

    % mainfile: ../main.tex

    The modeline must appear either on the three first lines of the file, or
    on the three last. Also note that the relative path must not contain


4.  Jumping                                       tex_seven-jumping

    TeX-7 allows you to, for example, preview a bibliographic reference, by
    placing the cursor somewhere over the "\cite{...}" command, and hit [gp]:
    the corresponding BibTeX entry is then shown in a preview window. There
    are many other possibilities, besides bibliographic references. All of
    them are described in this section. Before that, an important note: all
    the features described here using [gp], also work with [gd], with the
    difference that in the latter case, no preview window is opened (i.e.,
    :edit is used instead of :pedit).

    Also note that when using [gp], to close the preview window after having
    placed the cursor in some other window, there is no need to go back to the
    preview window. Just hit [gb], which is an alias to :pclose (mnemonic: Go
    Back to when there was no preview window opened). When using [gd], to go
    back hit CTRL-o. All in normal mode.

    Furthermore, [gf] is an alias to [gd]. See section
    tex_seven-jumping-includes below for the reason for this.

4.1 Citations                                     tex_seven-jumping-citations

    If you have a citation like "\cite[some note]{key}", or "\nocite{key}",
    then placing the cursor *anywhere*, even outside of the "key" part, and
    pressing [gp] will open a preview window displaying the bib entry
    corresponding to that key.

    If you have a citation like "\cite{key1, key2}", or "\cite[some
    note]{key1, key2}", if you press [gp] when the cursor is over "key1", or
    "key2", then the corresponding bib entry will be shown. If the cursor is
    before the first key, e.g. over the "\cite{" string, then the entry for
    that first key is shown (in this case "key1"). If the cursor is inside the
    curly braces, but not over any key, then *the first preceding key* is
    used. In the example, if the cursor is at the comma or the space inside
    the curly brackets, "key1" is used. If the cursor is at the closing
    bracket '}', then "key2" is used.

4.2 Labels and References                         tex_seven-jumping-label_refs

    If you have a reference like "\ref{key}", or "\eqref{key}", then placing
    the cursor *anywhere*, even outside of the "key" part, and pressing [gp]
    will open a preview window showing the corresponding "\label{key}"

4.3 Includes                                      tex_seven-jumping-includes

    If you have a line like "\include{filename}", or "\includeonly{filename}",
    then placing the cursor *anywhere*, even outside of the "filename" part,
    and pressing [gp] will show the file named "filename" in the preview

    As stated above, [gf] is an alias to [gd]. The reason for this is that by
    default, hitting [gf] when the cursor is over a file name/path makes vim
    open that file in a new buffer (if the file exists). So to jump between
    files, I thought that the [gf] map might feel more natural (it does to
    me). Of course, this also means that you can use [gf] to, say, jump from a
    \ref to the corresponding \label. Use whatever shortcut suits you best!

4.4 Graphics                                      tex_seven-jumping-graphics

    If you have a line like "\includegraphics{graphicfilename}", then placing
    the cursor *anywhere*, even outside of the "graphicfilename" part, and
    pressing [gd] or [gp] will open "graphicfilename" using the application
    configured in "g:tex_seven_config.viewer" for PDF files, and
    "g:tex_seven_config.viewer_images" for JPG or PNG files (see
    tex_seven-installation). If you didn't set "g:tex_seven_config.viewer",
    and/or "g:tex_seven_config.viewer_images", an error message is shown.


5.  Completion                                    tex_seven-completion

    Say you have the following text in a .tex file: "\ref{|}", with the cursor
    being in the position of '|' (in insert mode). If you press
    <LocalLeader>K, vim will show you a popup, containing all keys
    corresponding to "\label{key}" statements found in the main .tex file, and
    any files \include'd therein, if any. Furthermore, if what is actually
    in your .tex file is something like: "\ref{sec:|}", then the popup will
    show only label keys that start with the prefix "sec:" (sans quotes).

    Pretty nice, right? This is called *completion*. What I described above is
    a part of so-called "omni-completion". The other is completion of math
    paraphernalia, creatively named "math-completion". Both are described in
    the following sections.

    Note that as in the example above, all completion scenarios described
    below always take place in insert mode. Also, | is used to denote the
    cursor's position.

    PERL SCRIPT FOR LABELS. Retrieval of \label statements, by default, is
    done using pure vimscript -- but the algorithm is rather naïve. For one
    thing, all the .tex files have to be parsed each time completion is
    triggered. This is fine for small documents, but for larger projects, it
    can be more convenient to use an external Perl script (this is done
    setting label_retrieval_use_script to 1, in the configuration dictionary).
    When this is set, when opening a file, the external script is launched in
    the background, to retrieve all \label statements, across all project
    .tex files. Thus, triggered completion will be a quicker process. (Recall
    that this external script requires that Perl be installed, together with
    the perl-json module, as stated in tex_seven-installation).

5.1 Omni-Completion                               tex_seven-completion-omni

    The above introduction already covers the case of omni-completion for
    "\ref{"; completion for "\eqref{" works in the same way. Completion for
    "\label{" is also done: it returns the list of existing \label's (i.e., it
    returns the same thing as for "\ref{" and "\eqref{"). The rationale for
    the omni-completion of \label statements is that one might want to create
    a new label using as a prefix the name of an existing label. For example,
    for sections inside chapters, I prefix the label of the section with the
    label of the chapter. This avoids label clashes for situations where, for
    instance, more than one chapter has a section named "Introduction".

    Completion for "\includeonly{" and "\includegraphics{" are similar, with
    the difference that what is returned are list of files \include'd in the
    main .tex file (if any), and graphic files, respectively. The graphic
    files are searched in the folder that contains the main .tex file, and any
    subfolders therein (but note that any files inside folders with names
    containing the string "build" are ignored).

    In all the cases described here, if there is a base text (e.g. the "sec:"
    in "\ref{sec:|}"), then only matches that contain that base string are
    returned, just as explained above. For example, suppose you hit
    <LocalLeader>A. "\includeonly{|}" gets inserted, and completion entries
    shown. If you then type "foo" (sans quotes), by default vim will show you
    the entries that START WITH "foo". But if you then hit <LocalLeader>K,
    TeX-7 will show you all the entries that CONTAIN the string "foo", even if
    not at the beginning. However, the text "foo" that you typed is deleted (
    after all, the matching entries might not all *begin with* that string).
    And you can do this with more than one word! For example, if your write
    "\ref{foo bar|}" and then hit <LocalLeader>K, the enties shown will be
    only the ones that contain BOTH the string "foo" as well as the string
    "bar", though not necessarily in that order. Of course, you can use more
    than two strings (e.g., "\ref{foo bar baz|}" ).

5.2 Math-Completion                               tex_seven-completion-math

    Type <LocalLeader>M to get a popup list of different maths symbols,
    together with their shape (e.g. "\alpha" corresponds to α). I have
    (mostly) chosen to put on the completion list
    (~/.vim/autoload/tex_seven/omniMath.vim) symbols that have an Unicode
    representation, and can hence be "previewed" in this fashion.

    Furthermore, if there is a word to the left of the cursor, that word is
    used to filter the results of the popup list. For example, if you write
    "$x arrow|$" and press <LocalLeader>M, the popup list will contain all
    math symbols containing, but not necessarily starting with, the string
    "arrow". This also works if you write "\arrow". In both cases, you get a
    command, i.e., if you write "arrow" or "\arrow", hit <LocalLeader>M, and
    then select "rightarrow" from the completion popup, you get the command

    Additionally, the most frequently used maths symbols have their own
    shortcuts.  Typing <LocalLeader>a expands to \alpha for example. Refer
    to tex_seven-mappings below for a complete listing.


6.  Mappings                                      tex_seven-mappings

    As explained in tex_seven-basics, the symbol <LocalLeader> refers to the
    value of "g:tex_seven_config.leader", or if this is not set, to the value
    of maplocalleader. If this is also unset, then the default value is
    colon ':'.

    Furthermore, keep in mind that these mappings can be customised; see
    tex_seven-tips to see an example.

6.1 Insert Mode                               tex_seven-mappings-insert_mode

    In the mappings below, whenever completion is available (e.g. for
    \ref), it is started. Cf. tex_seven-completion for details.

    <LocalLeader><LocalLeader> <LocalLeader>
    <LocalLeader>'             LaTeX's inverted single commas `'
    <LocalLeader>"             LaTeX's inverted double commas ``''
    <LocalLeader>?             Go from \cite{foo|} to \cite[|]{foo}
    <LocalLeader>A             Insert \includeonly{}, and start completion
    <LocalLeader>B             Insert environment (prompts for a name)
    <LocalLeader>C             Insert \cite{}, and start completion
    <LocalLeader>E             Insert \eqref{} (equation reference), and start completion
    <LocalLeader>K             Start regular (non-math) completion
    <LocalLeader>M             Start math completion
    <LocalLeader>R             Insert \ref{}, and start completion
    <LocalLeader>Z             Insert \includegraphics{} reference


    <LocalLeader>a  \alpha
    <LocalLeader>b  \beta
    <LocalLeader>c  \chi
    <LocalLeader>d  \delta
    <LocalLeader>e  \epsilon
    <LocalLeader>f  \phi
    <LocalLeader>g  \gamma
    <LocalLeader>h  \eta
    <LocalLeader>i  \iota
    <LocalLeader>k  \kappa
    <LocalLeader>l  \lambda
    <LocalLeader>m  \mu
    <LocalLeader>n  \nu
    <LocalLeader>o  \omega
    <LocalLeader>p  \pi
    <LocalLeader>q  \theta
    <LocalLeader>r  \rho
    <LocalLeader>s  \sigma
    <LocalLeader>t  \tau
    <LocalLeader>u  \upsilon
    <LocalLeader>w  \varpi
    <LocalLeader>x  \xi
    <LocalLeader>y  \psi
    <LocalLeader>z  \zeta
    <LocalLeader>D  \Delta
    <LocalLeader>F  \Phi
    <LocalLeader>G  \Gamma
    <LocalLeader>L  \Lambda
    <LocalLeader>O  \Omega
    <LocalLeader>P  \Pi
    <LocalLeader>Q  \Theta
    <LocalLeader>U  \Upsilon
    <LocalLeader>X  \Xi
    <LocalLeader>Y  \Psi
    <LocalLeader>_e \varepsilon
    <LocalLeader>_q \vartheta
    <LocalLeader>_r \varrho
    <LocalLeader>_s \varsigma
    <LocalLeader>_f \varphi


    <LocalLeader>\     \setminus
    <LocalLeader>½     \sqrt{}<Left>
    <LocalLeader>N     \nabla
    <LocalLeader>S     \sum_{}^{}<Esc>2F{a
    <LocalLeader>_S    \prod_{}^{}<Esc>2F{a
    <LocalLeader>V     \vec{}<Left>
    <LocalLeader>I     \int\limits_{}^{}<Esc>2F{a
    <LocalLeader>0     \emptyset
    <LocalLeader>_0    \varnothing
    <LocalLeader>6     \partial
    <LocalLeader>Q     \infty
    <LocalLeader>/     \frac{}{}<Esc>2F{a
    <LocalLeader>\|    \lor
    <LocalLeader>&     \land
    <LocalLeader>\|\|  \bigvee
    <LocalLeader>&&    \bigwedge
    <LocalLeader>@     \circ
    <LocalLeader>*     \not
    <LocalLeader>!     \neq
    <LocalLeader>~     \neg
    <LocalLeader>=     \equiv
    <LocalLeader>-     \cap
    <LocalLeader>+     \cup
    <LocalLeader>--    \bigcap
    <LocalLeader>-+    \bigcup
    <LocalLeader>~     \widetilde{}<Left>
    <LocalLeader>^     \widehat{}<Left>
    <LocalLeader>_     \overline{}<Left>
    <LocalLeader><CR>  \nonumber \\<CR>
    <LocalLeader>«     \langle
    <LocalLeader>»     \rangle
    <LocalLeader>(     \left(  \right)<Esc>F(la
    <LocalLeader>[     \left[  \right]<Esc>F[la
    <LocalLeader>{     \left\{  \right\}<Esc>F{la

    <LocalLeader>> <><Left>
    <LocalLeader>< \langle  \rangle<Esc>F\hi

    The last two mappings above are as I prefer them. However, by
    setting the config flag "diamond_tex" to 0 (see
    tex_seven-installation), you can revert them to TeX-9's original

    <LocalLeader>< \leq
    <LocalLeader>> \geq

6.2 Normal Mode                                   tex_seven-mappings-normal_mode

    See tex_seven-jumping for the details of the functionality provided
    by the mappings below.

    gb              Go back from preview window (alias to :pclose)
    gd              Go from \ref to the corresponding \label declaration, or similar
    gf              Go to, say, an \include{file}, or similar
    gm              Go back to main file
    gp              Same as gd/gf, but show on a preview window, if applicable
                    (obviously this does not apply when, say, displaying an image file)

    See tex_seven-basics-normal_mode for the details of the functionality
    provided by the mappings below.

    <LocalLeader>B  Go to \begin above
    <LocalLeader>E  Go to \end below
    <LocalLeader>R  Rename environment
    <LocalLeader>V  View the document

    :ww             Do a small compile (see tex_seven-compile-mfile)
    :ww             Do two small compiles (see tex_seven-compile-mfile)

6.3 Visual Mode                                   tex_seven-mappings-visual_mode

    Besides the operator for selecting environments and inline
    mathematics (see tex_seven-basics-visual_mode), the following mappings
    allow you to quickly change the style of already existing text.

    vmap <buffer><expr> <LocalLeader>bf tex_seven#ChangeFontStyle('bf')
    vmap <buffer><expr> <LocalLeader>it tex_seven#ChangeFontStyle('it')
    vmap <buffer><expr> <LocalLeader>rm tex_seven#ChangeFontStyle('rm')
    vmap <buffer><expr> <LocalLeader>sf tex_seven#ChangeFontStyle('sf')
    vmap <buffer><expr> <LocalLeader>tt tex_seven#ChangeFontStyle('tt')
    vmap <buffer>       <LocalLeader>up di\text{}<Left><C-R>"

    For example, to convert the word under the cursor to boldface, type:


    To convert the current visual selectio to upright text, type:



7.  Tips and tricks                               tex_seven-tips

7.1 Override, extend and hack TeX-7               tex_seven-tips-hack_extend

    Create a custom tex.vim file in the after/ directory, i.e.
    ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim. Here you can redefine mappings and extend
    TeX-7's functionality with your own ideas. If you come up with something
    sweet, kindly drop me a line :-) (email address available at link at the
    start of this file).

    Notice that to redefine mappings, you need need to set <LocalLeader>
    again. As an example, here is my ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim:

    " First, reset <LocalLeader>. Note that this will run after TeX-7, and hence
    " the variable g:tex_seven_config.leader will be set.
    if exists('g:maplocalleader')
      let s:maplocalleader_saved = g:maplocalleader
    let g:maplocalleader = g:tex_seven_config.leader

    " Now, implement user's customisations. In this case, override of selected
    " TeX-7 mappings.
    inoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>e \varepsilon
    inoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>_e \epsilon

    inoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>_0 \emptyset
    inoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>0 \varnothing

    " I find this easier to insert environments in .tex files (something I do often).
    inoremap <buffer><silent> ;; <C-r>=tex_seven#environments#InsertEnvironment()<CR>
    inoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>;; ;;

    " And lastly, revert <LocalLeader> to its previous setting, if any.
    if exists('s:maplocalleader_saved')
      let g:maplocalleader = s:maplocalleader_saved
      unlet s:maplocalleader_saved
      unlet g:maplocalleader

7.2 Custom environment list/templates             tex_seven-tips-custom_envs

    You can set a custom list of environment names for environment insertion
    (see tex_seven-basics). Copy the environment names file
    (ftplugin/environments.txt) to ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/ (see
    tex_seven-tips-hack_extend), and customise it to suit your needs. Then,
    in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim, insert:

    let b:env_list = fnameescape(expand('<sfile>:h') . '/environments.txt')

    Environment name completion will now use your name list, rather than
    TeX-7's default list.

    A similar trick can be used to add or customise environment templates.
    First, add the following to ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim:

    let b:env_snippets = fnameescape(expand('<sfile>:h') . '/environments.snippets')

    Then just add your new snippet (or your modified version of an existing
    snippet) into file ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/environments.snippets.

    Do keep note of the difference: your local environments.txt file must
    contain the entire list of environment names that you want to use,
    whilst the environment.snippets file contains only added or modified
    environment templates -- but the ones in TeX-7's environment.snippets file
    are still available to use. If the same template (snippet) is found in
    both files, your local version is used -- indeed, this is how you modify
    an environment template.

    This is also to the user's advantage when updating TeX-7: on the one hand,
    the plugin's environment.txt file can be merged with your local version
    with a simple merge (after all, it is only one word lines); on the other
    hand, the plugin's environment.snippets file can be safely ignored:
    your customisations will still be used, but any new snippets the plugin's
    environment.snippets now provides will also be available. The user gets
    the best of both worlds.

7.3 Spell checking                                tex_seven-tips-spell_check

    If you've enabled 'modeline', you may conveniently activate spell checking
    (among other settings) in your LaTeX documents, like so (example for

    % vim: spell spelllang=en

    Notice that newer versions of Vim provide an option 

    let g:tex_comment_nospell=1

    for disabling spell checking of comments that otherwise get messed up
    pretty badly.

7.4 Pedantic Styling                               tex_seven-tips-pedantic_styling

    Some people think that closing quotation marks, whether double or single,
    should always come AFTER any punctuation marks. However, this is annoying
    to do while is writing... Hence, the plugin provides the
    :SwapQuotesPunctuation command, that does, well, just that: replaces ''.
    with .'' (for dots, commas, colons, and question and exclamation marks).
    Then it replaces '. with .' (idem). Works even when the punctuation mark
    ends the line.

