Exponentials and logarithms

A narrative-style introduction to exponentials and logarithms…
→ [preprint] ←  Keywords: #math #reals #exponentiation [Update history]

At least in most of the calculus texts I have seen, the natural logarithm is introduced in an ex cathedra fashion, as if somehow God descended from the Heavens above, and decreed that \(\log x := \int_1^x 1/t \, dt\)—and the exponential function, again by divine decree, is to be the inverse of \(\log\). The fact that I have no wish to usurp on His authority notwithstanding, here I provide another way to introduce both functions, starting with a concrete problem: how to compute the derivative of function \(a^x\). I hope it makes for an clear and enlightening read.

April 10, 2024. Got feedback? Great, email is your friend!

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Update history

September 10, 2024. Simplified the explanation of the intuition that lead to the definition of the logarithm as an integral. Correction of miscellaneous typos. The version of the preprint prior to this update can be found here.